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Current date and time:
2024-07-27 03:09

Hall of Fame

  Ukraine 563 
  Poland 524 
  Russia 504 
  Chile 419 
  Spain 278 

  RoH 723 
  eS 684 
  RS 420 
  TdC 391 
  BfW 323 

  Gabriel 301 
  Incog 237 
  Pyroman 230 
  Zwitter 182 
  Lacoste 164 
  Asbest 164 
  Casso 155 
  Bry4N 152 
  Darkmaul 125 
  fenrys 121 

Clan Standings: Ropers of Honor (RoH)

1st Lacoste 6 4 6 73 0 164
2nd Casso 5 7 3 68 0 155
3rd Darkmaul 5 4 4 67 0 125
4th Van 3 5 3 53 0 97
5th Desetroyah 2 1 1 21 0 47
6th Lales 1 0 2 32 0 40
7th cHAKKmAN 0 2 1 14 0 28
8th Dulek 1 1 0 8 0 24
9th Wormiverse 1 0 1 14 0 22
10th Camper 0 0 1 13 0 15
11th Rok 0 0 1 3 0 6

In-Game Time:
5 days 10 hours 18 minutes (40% playing)

Average Color:

Winning Ratio:
  (366 out of 619)
  (71 out of 272)




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