Players: 289
Tournaments: 147
Games Played: 2682
Total Appearances: 3244

Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-03-09 14:38
Rope Race Tournament (Big)



- 3 worms per player.
- Use the scheme and one of the maps provided.
- The final will be hosted by the moderator on a map not included in the pack.
- If you plop your own worm, you can start again from the Start with another. If all of your worms plop, you lose.
- You may not knock your opponent's worms into water, whether it is by accident or on purpose. If it happens, use your next turn to kill one of your own worms - if not possible conveniently, separate the worm from the others at the Start and try to remember not to use it -, and skip on your next turn. If you plop your opponent's last worm, you lose.
- In case of a draw, immediately start going backwards - you can do so right after you touched the Finish sign/went into the Finish area, you don't need to skip one turn there. The player to reach the Start first wins. If the worm plops on the way back, that player has lost. In case of a draw even in this case, ask the moderator what to do.
- If you host, your opponent can veto your choice of map and ask for a different or simpler one. Note that if you light up, it means you accepted the offered map, no second thoughts.
- If your opponent doesn't show up or is unresponsive 10 minutes after your pairing was announced - according to the moderator's clock -, you proceed to the next round.