Players: 289
Tournaments: 147
Games Played: 2682
Total Appearances: 3244

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Current date and time: 2025-03-09 14:57
Shopper Tournament (10s)



Reading this can give You some advantage. Try to read it in 10 seconds.
Signup ends at 16:15
Rules: cba, afr, if there's a draw - the guy who made the draw (e.g. plopped both worms) loses. Cow handling here. BLOCKING ALLOWED - mind your positions.
3 worms per player.
Use easy maps, e.g. Dogma city shopping, SiMpleTonCiTyCeNTrE by JaCkO. If You have an argument if the map is simple enough, invite me to your host and I will decide.
I prepared special scheme for this tournament:
- no altered power surprises,
- weapons giving too much advantage removed (super sheep, holy grenade...)
- ground weapons removed (shotgun, minigun...)
If you're a hoster, hosted bad scheme, won, and your opponent reports you, it's a lose.
The tournament will hopefully go fast and smooth:
1. I don't participate. ( I do, as a mod )
2. Every time there are at least 3 hosting competitors & 3 not hosting competitors awaiting for pairing, 2 of them are randomly paired and can start a game. (I always pair a hoster with a not-hoster, unless the signup ended and I got only one not-hoster left)
3. More/less then 16 competitors handling:
- if the last player in round is odd, he will play with one (randomly chosen) of three first losers that report (pm me) their defeat. That means in any round but final, one of early loosers will get a second chance.
- if someone got a second chance in one round, he can't get it in another, unless he's the only one who reported his defeat.
- I wait for losers to report until the next-to-last game is hosted (last game will be the one where the looser plays)
- if you report a lose and win, you're considered a looser, so don't cheat ;)
- if there are 3 competitors in finals, the one with least number of worms, or least number of hp of last worm, gets bronze, and 2 other fight a final.