Players: 289
Tournaments: 147
Games Played: 2682
Total Appearances: 3244

Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-03-09 14:53
Tower Race Tournament



Please note that this isn't a Tower Rope Race, this is a Tower Race.
Use the scheme and map provided!
Start from the bottom of the map, 2 worms per player. Work your way towards the top with both worms. After a short while, SD will kick in and water will rise *fast*. The player to stand on the "100" mark on the top, or who is the last to survive wins.
You may attack your opponent, you may kill them, you may knock them down, you may use a weapon to extend your remaining time.
In case of a draw, if your game lasted less than 15 minutes, rematch with the same conditions. If you draw again, or it took more than 15 minutes, consult with the mod.
- If your opponent doesn't show up or is unresponsive 10 minutes after your pairing was announced - according to the moderator's clock -, you proceed to the next round.
Medal points have been nullified. Reason: not enough players.