Players: 289
Tournaments: 147
Games Played: 2682
Total Appearances: 3244

Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-03-09 15:06
Walk for Weapons Tournament (FFW)



Fly for Weapons is basically Walk for Weapons, with some differences.
• Turn time is 11 seconds instead of 20.
• Unlimited Jetpacks; you can fly anytime (but you don't have to)
• You are only allowed to use Low Gravity and Fast Walk from the Jetpack (and only where the map lets you)
• You cannot drop any weapon from the Jetpack!
Because Jetpacks help you move around much more easily and faster, some weapons are limited:
• 2 x Homing Missile
• 2 x Dynamite
• 2 x Sheep
• 2 x Teleport
• 2 x Flamethrower
• 2 x Petrol Bomb
• 2 x Skunk
• 2 x Old Woman
• 2 x Worm Select
• 2 x Freeze
Everything else is unlimited, just like in regular WFW:
• ` : Low Gravity, Fast Walk
• F1: Bazooka, Mortar
• F2: Grenade Cluster Bomb
• F3: Shotgun, Handgun, Uzi
• F4: Fire Punch, Dragonball, Kamikaze, Prod
• F5: Mine, Mole Bomb
• F7: Blowtorch, Pneumatic Drill
• F8: Bungee, Parachute
Tournament rules:
• Use any WFW map, but different maps each round
• 4 worms per player
• At SD the person with most health wins.